The Great Firewall of China... does it again

So perhaps you've heard... that the Chinese government censors internet traffic in and out of any computer within its borders. Their "off limits sites" include vehicles of dissident such as Facebook, YouTube and yup you guessed it, Blogger, the site which hosts our blog - so that's the reason for the radio silence.

Needless to say we're still here, still ok, and in fact doing very well. We're celebrating our last full day in China tomorrow with our first view and hike of China's actual Great Wall - a modern and man made (many many a man) wonder of this world we live on. We've been all over the east coast and can't wait to talk more about it, but until then... enjoy the recently posted pictures of our last weeks in Japan. That's one wonderful nation. Oyasuminasai... Sleep well.


    That's interesting about the internet censoring... what a different world... or is it?